Dec 20, 2009

Where does the time flies??

Presently, I'm undergoing a treatment which is supposed to be a long 4 month affair. Almost one month of which has already passed by. In my other hand, I have this last student phase of my life, the so called 2-years MBA program, which will be over in the next one month (in case, i'm not barred to appear, for my attendance or i flunk). Before getting down on any of them, the duration of either appeared an age long engagement with the time that will make me count every passing second of it. Surprisingly, just one month left to get the passport to the corporate and one month down towards a better life, things didn't seem to go the way they were expected.

All of a sudden, today i wondered, "Where does the time flies???"
& needless to say, found the answer within; the same time!

The chores that we take up, either take up a very small proportion of our life or may eat up the largest chunk of it. If it's too small (say, taking daily dose of pills), it perfectly & subtly sets itself in the larger canvas of life that we don't even realize or are bothered or troubled by it.
And if it is too big a thing (say, dragging towards a paper-wise degree), it soon becomes a way-of-life & doesn't leaves you with enough time & space to ponder, "have the times changed?"
It becomes your life, even though the transition period may be notable and painful!!

Time goes at its own pace. Time doesn't fly, its just that we don't realize!

Soon, we'll be ,again, shifting gears to jobs, meetings, clients, corporates.. life will change but the underlying principles won't!!

Yet another successful realization of the fact or ,atleast, a convincing ignorance!


  1. Very well said akash ...These last months of MBA are very different from our usual life ...We'll miss our MBA days a lot...

  2. it's true...and have u ever noticed how good times seem to go by in a flash n bad times drag on 4ever??yes,time goes by at its own pace,but i guess we are all either so caught up being happy,or so busy being worried,that we don't realise.but irrespective of how long or short days seem,one fact that never ever changes, is that we LEARN from everything. from big or small happenings in our lives.and finally, one day, we realise that we've already lived an entire life, even though we can still see crystal-clear memories of our yesteryears...

    very sweetly written,aki!


  3. jo karne ka aaj hich karne ka hai bidu..
    Baad me time mile na mile....:)
