Mar 3, 2010

Well, Timed!

Time to eat, time to meet, time to sleep, time to wake up, time to have fun, time to work, time to play pranks, time to be frank, time to befriend, time to be with friends, time to disturb them, time to love, time to express it, time to enjoy, time to be serious, time to speak your heart out, time to hold yourself back, time to wear a smile, time to break into laughter, time to feel bad, time to be sad, time to let the tears roll down, time to be yourself, time to beat around the bush, time, TIme & more TIME...

Time for this, time for that, time to do, what you are not good at!
Time to do what you don't feel, Time not to do what drives your zeal...

There's a TIME for everything & then we say, "Times have changed!". We are no better than the time piece, for just like the hands of it, either we have to reach a destination or we are constantly being pushed by the second's hand. Just like it, we keep moving. We can't, rather, don't move out of our pre-decided ways, just because either the constant fear of messing up the time or defying the rules of world & time, haunt us. We are terrified by what the world will have to say if we follow what we feel. After all, we have people to be pleased!

Why, only just for a TIME, we can't stop thinking about the time & follow what the heart says? Why not, for a while, can we stop following the obvious TIME-TABLE & live life as it comes? Why can't we call and our friends at oddest hours & say them, "I Miss you!"? Why can't we go & freak out whenever we want, why can't we go for drives at night, walks to witness sights at a time you like? WHY? Yes, you may be seen as crazy, weird, at times too but you'll be more of you; a feeling, that can not be bought for all the wealth & the ecstasy that outnumbers all the monetary values. With a few exceptions of professional commitments & personal obligations, the TIME-LESS joys can sprinkle endless drops of happiness & can take you to seemless world of joys. For we are already so messed up with life, we tend to complicate even simplest of the things too. Or rather, if we are already so messed up, do you think that the already complicated things can drive you through the lanes of joys, to the destination of contentment? Certainly not!

Be Timely, not Time Bound!

Don't let time give you the reasons to smile or shower joys on you. Even TIME has to take care of all the beings & just can not keep on pleasing just you. Follow your heart!, for they say "Your heart may be on the left but it's always right!"

Feb 20, 2010

Brightly dim or Dimly Bright

Ever witnessed an eclipse? The event seems no less than a heavenly occurrence that exhibits beauty in its purest & divine form. Even in its photographic make-up, the celestial alignment leaves innumerous viewers & infinite spectators in awe & reverence.

Ever wondered, the dullest of the hours bring the brightest of sights that human race has ever witnessed or have discovered so far! We see, we admire but we simply forget to comprehend & take what could be a life-long and life turning learning. The darkest of the hours in the lives of the illuminating bodies bring out the best of what they can offer. We pay all our devotion when the celestial confluence occurs but, contrastingly, our dedication seems lost when the blues descend upon us in our real lives. The gloom cataracts our sight to see the shine & the brightness that it'll bestow us with. Yes, it may be the darkest of hours but it's only under such conditions that we can see light perfectly. Even it dims the shine, it brings out a lustrous aura that invites awe from all & sundry. The gloomiest sheens brightest & the worst brings out the best! We fail to understand & thus, fall to withstand.

May be all this sounds a way too optimistic or unrealistically ambitious. Sympathies & a companionship of someone sharing the same pain, more often than not, keeps us going. So, we can draw sympathies from the fact that when even the brightest of the eternal heavenly celestial bodies have their hours of being shadowed over, we are mere mortals.

So, the next times, when you find yourself in the pit, don't pity. You are being tighten so as to recoil harder & higher! It's the 'Glooming Grooming' that you are being put through & who knows, You may be the next sight that the world may admire and aspire!

Feb 17, 2010

Never hold yourself back to express what's on your mind or in your heart. If you make sense, you'll be acknowledged & encouraged. If you don't, you'll shed a foolish notion.

Jan 6, 2010

I have this unusual knack of probing too much about any possible thing, always thinking the other way round, & getting all the possible queries cleared beforehand about any task that I'm about to take in my hand. I always tend to pose a lot of 'What-ifs' prior getting along anything, the miss of which renders some sort of insecurity within me regarding the successful completion of the chore. Be it for any reason, being a possible potential perfectionist or evading a humiliating scene or avoid making a fool of myself (never bothered to probe much for the reasons though), i was ,usually, critiqued and looked down as incompetent by all & sundry, & with serious concerns raised about my decent enough performance in my management studies. The result is, as yet, too controversial a topic to be raised though but that's a different part of the story altogether.

All said and done, here, at the actual battleground, during numerous of our rendezvous for assignments of all sorts, when i exhibited the same uncanny trait, much to my amazement, i have always been looked upon as the devil's advocate, holding unlike approaches & have been appreciated for the same too.
With the least intention of blowing my own trumpet & admitting & keeping in mind the long way yet to be travelled, the only motive of mine for penning it all down is just to make us discard the preconceived notions we hold up. We are less of what people perceive us & more of what we actually are.

Everything we possess & display, is there in us for some good & a reason. Nothing is useless. We just fail to find the right fit!