Dec 18, 2009


Think of the following two situations. The first one, you are absolutely joyous, ecstatic and feel on the top of the world, but the people around you are sad and seem gloomy. The second one, puts you down and out while the world around you resembles a carnival.

Why on earth am i making you imagine these situations? Probably because, may be we understand things better when we can relate to it.

At the first instance, you'll always find yourself a part and share the same tragic feelings with the people around you, no matter how hard you try. The whole world will appear a melancholy.
The second instance, however, your sorrows will seem to take much smaller proportions due to the high energy field and the positive vibes all around you.
Yes, sorrows are contagious & so are the joys! The choice, ultimately, lies with us as to what aura do we like to create around for ourselves to live in.

So the sure-short way to a blissful life is, Make people ,around you, happy & you'll surely experience joyous moments and blessed lives!

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