Sep 29, 2009

Being bad is good!

This happened a couple of days back while I was traveling in a Mumbai local. It was the evening time and the evening was no different. A train overcrowded with people! As the train approached my destination station, there was suddenly a rush of people for both, boarding and de-boarding the train. Squeezed amidst the people as i tried to leave the train, i couldn't do it, with the intensity of flow of people into the train far exceeding the propensity of people to move out. Amidst all this, kicked like a football from here to there, it was seemingly getting more and more impossible to get out of the people's ocean. Sensing me in a state of trouble, the people's ocean, all of a sudden, started to wave me out to the shore of the platform. I could feel a gush of people pushing and willing to throw me, or rather push me out of the train; which, on any other normal day, had seemed a barbaric act and had called forth a thousand uncalled-for words and expressions in my mind. But the same act appeared so kind and tolerant that day though i was out of my mind for a couple of minutes after being the rope for the tug-of-war. Thankfully, i was out of it but into a state of mind that triggered a thought, "Is it that bad to be Bad?"

At times in life, we have to be bad and take the harsh route to make it 'all-good'. After all, you can't be good to all the people all the time.
Be bad! But always make sure that your badness doesn't becomes a reason for someone's sadness. Know very well, 'When to be bad?' and 'How to be bad?' and we'll all end up with good things in life!

Be Bad, not rude

Sep 11, 2009

Why do we ever make a relation?
Is it because someone needs you? Or rather, we need someone?

With the little knowledge that i have about relationships, I think its always the second reason.

But if it is so, why do we allow the subtle differences to crop up and how can we let our 'EGOs' take over something that's so inseparable part of us?
Something that not only is a part of life but 'Life' itself

Have our EGOs grown bigger than us? Has the 'I' in 'L.I.F.E.' eclipsed it?

Sep 9, 2009

Stay Chirpy!!

Always remind yourself..

Smiling people are happy people
and when they are happy
good thoughts come to their mind
and good things in their life

So, never forget to wear a smile and stay happy!! :)

Tweet Tweet!!

(Dedicated to chirpy) :)

Sep 7, 2009

We Duh people...

We are a nation of utterly confused people

Cricket is a religion in the country and religion; a business

Sep 5, 2009

No worries..!

Each problem in life has just two alternates.. Either you can solve it or you can't.

If you can, only your actions will make it happen and worrying will just hinder it.

If you can't, worrying is no use coz it can't and won't solve the problems for you.. so, why worry??
Take life as it comes!

"Worrying is not the key to the lock of your problems, but not worrying surely lets you know the right key to unlock"