Ever wondered, the dullest of the hours bring the brightest of sights that human race has ever witnessed or have discovered so far! We see, we admire but we simply forget to comprehend & take what could be a life-long and life turning learning. The darkest of the hours in the lives of the illuminating bodies bring out the best of what they can offer. We pay all our devotion when the celestial confluence occurs but, contrastingly, our dedication seems lost when the blues descend upon us in our real lives. The gloom cataracts our sight to see the shine & the brightness that it'll bestow us with. Yes, it may be the darkest of hours but it's only under such conditions that we can see light perfectly. Even it dims the shine, it brings out a lustrous aura that invites awe from all & sundry. The gloomiest sheens brightest & the worst brings out the best! We fail to understand & thus, fall to withstand.
May be all this sounds a way too optimistic or unrealistically ambitious. Sympathies & a companionship of someone sharing the same pain, more often than not, keeps us going. So, we can draw sympathies from the fact that when even the brightest of the eternal heavenly celestial bodies have their hours of being shadowed over, we are mere mortals.
So, the next times, when you find yourself in the pit, don't pity. You are being tighten so as to recoil harder & higher! It's the 'Glooming Grooming' that you are being put through & who knows, You may be the next sight that the world may admire and aspire!