Nov 25, 2009

Get Going...

The real astuteness of a person lies in how he avoids a downfall. And,
The real strength and courage is how quick he recovers and reclaims from it.

Nov 9, 2009

The existence of something supernatural is not denied by anyone on this planet. Only the identities differ..

Theists believe it as 'God',
Agnostics refer it as
'Destiny', and
Atheists term it as

Nov 3, 2009

The Enemy Within...

In the race of life, all of us are trying to run against the fierce competition; outperforming and outshining it is no less than Mt. Everest's Ascent . After all, 'its survival of the fittest'. Right, uh? Point Taken!

So busy running we have been that we have never ever thought of our biggest foe. One, who has kept us tied us so tightly, we never have been set free nor will be. It's just like running a race with a thousand pound weight attached to our feet, albeit we never realise. "What nonsense!!" would just be a normal reaction to what all you have just read, & that's exactly how casually we have been taken our biggest enemy.

"Who is it?" is the million dollar question now and a billion dollar answer is "You! Yourself!!"
Gee, how could this be..? Just give it a thought...

1. More often than anything else, our laziness poses the biggest threat to the everyday commitments that we make to make ourselves a better person.

2 . our Inhibitions (tough word, um) always blocks the road to try something new; something different.

3. The fear of being labeled as an 'Intruder' or 'Over-caring' always keeps us from being affectionate, caring and warm to people..

4. Fearful of being 'fussy' or 'childlike' says, "Don't be honest & straight forward. Just keep beating around the bush. Waste yourself and others too"

5. Yeah! We make 'the crowd!' Who cares if being a part of the rat race is just not your true self...

Yes, its too complicated to understand. Just because we've made it so. And the funniest part is, its so much a part of us now that we never tend to think..

Just an after-thought. Try to kill the enemy-within and the battle is all yours!!